Firefox 5 – A new interface ?

February 20th, 2011

The final release version of Firefox 4 should be available soon but Mozzila will continue to deliver more version this year : Firefox 5, 6 and 7 are also schedule this year. The website reveal some interesting concept for the 5th version of the browser.

Mozzila has improved in Firefox :

  • Animated design
  • User account management
  • Simplified sharing actions
  • Windows 64bits support

Let’s start by the new quick search bar, located on the top right of the browser. The favicon disappear, the provider’s name is now displayed. The bar is also wider (240px)

firefox quick search bar

Inspired by Prism experience, the browser may include specific navigation links obviously called “site-specific” browsers. as well the standard menu is also reduce into the windows top bar

firefox5 mockup prismDesktop App : inspired by Internet Explorer 9, the 5th version should give us the possibility to add tab into taskbar. A simple click list the main shortcuts and events of the website

firefox5 Desktop App

The user Addon interface has been simplified. It should be very easy for  any user to manage, activate, add … plugins. The compatibility will be automatically check, this design has been also reviewed.

Firefox5 Addon

More about Firefox 4 & 5 UI :  Desktop Apps, Search Bar, User Add On Selection (on )

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